Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Museum of Revolutionary Base

The Museum of Revolutionary Base
Name:The Museum of Revolutionary Base
Tel:Tel:0086-400-666-0166 Email:henantour@gmail.com Skype:karenzheng2004

With Xinji (present Xinxian County) as its capital during the civil revolutionary war, it is a relatively large base area under the leadership of the CPC. This land had brought forth red army forces one after another such as the 4th Front Army, the 25th Army Corps and the 28th Army Corps. In its top period, the base area had developed into a region with a population of 3.5 million, 26 counties and an army of 450,000 plus. In the battles of blood and fire, there had come out 349 generals from this place and many pioneering revolutionists had left their footprints here, such as Dong Biwu, Xu Xiangqian, Liu Bocheng, Deng Xiaoping, Li Xiannian and so on. At one time, the whole population of the county was less than 100,000, over half of which had lost their lives and 35,000 died in glory. In 1985, the museum was built by the government in the county and was open to the public on October 25, 1990. Li Xiannian, the former president, wrote down the museum name.

Being the largest revolutionary museum on the county level in Henan Province, it lies in the southeast of Xinxian County. Surrounded by beautiful rivers and mountains, the museum is a modern architecture blended with classical styles. The main building shows the typical Anhui style, a brick work of red roofs and orange tiles. With area of 2 hectares and a floorage of 3,800m², the museum is facing the Cemetery of Revolutionary Martyrs of the Base across the river.

In the second largest revolutionary base area, coming only next to Central Revolutionary Base Area, Xinxian County was where the capital was located. Since its establishment, it has been through all the ups and downs until the victory of the national revolution.

There are 7 exhibition halls in the museum, making up two series, one the General Exhibition, the other the Theme Exhibition. The total exhibition area amounts to 828m². In the first series, “Dabieshan Mountain Struggles”, there are four parts as follows:

1. Shaping the Revolutionary Base Area of E-Yu-Wan;

2. Establishing the capital in Xinji to make unprecedented development of the revolutionary base area;

3. Restructuring the Red Army;

4. Upholding the red flag to the victory of national revolution.

The second series is divided into two parts. “The Cradle of Generals”, the first part, occupies two halls. In the first hall are the life account of 43 ranked generals who were born in
Xinxian County, such as Xu Shiyou, Li Desheng, Zheng Weishan, Gao Houliang and so on. In the second hall are the life accounts 50 generals ranked Army Corps Commander or above, such as Wu Huanxian, Gao Jingting, Zhang Tixue, Zhang Zhiyin and so on. Xinxian Today, the second part, deals mainly with the rapid development achieved by the local people in all fields. Among the collection of the museum, there is a wall on which was written the Chinese Soviet Land Law (draft). It is so well preserved and the only piece in the country that it is ranked the first grade relic. The Lenin fighter plane, collected by the museum, is also a valuable item for it was the first plane ever flied by the Red Army pilots. In 1931, a trainer plane of KMT ran out of petrol on its way back after finishing a mission and had to make an emergency landing at the border area of the revolutionary base. Since the capture of the plane, the red army was right on its way to have its own air force. The plane had been used for bombing missions in many battles. Chen Changhao, a commissar of the 4th Front Army, had taken the plane to the west of Anhui Province. After the Long March, the plane was dismantled and buried. Despite a short time of existence, the plane was a milestone in the history of our party and our army. It marks the beginning of building a strong air force in our army.

Dabieshan Mountain Struggles

 What comes before eyes in the hall is a large marble embossment on the wall entitled Dabieshan Mountain Struggles. It stands 2.9m tall and stretches 10m long. The embossment depicts many characters, such as the Red Army soldier charging and shouting, peasants with hoes and spears on their shoulders, women supporting the army and the front, and the children holding red spears in hands. Behind them is the rolling Dabieshan Mountain. The embossment, with its vivid images and rich connotations, is a miniature of the struggles and fights of local people for the great revolutionary cause. Eight flags on each side of the wall represent eight Red Army forces in the revolutionary base area, three of which are in particular the main strength of the army, namely the 4th Front Army, the 25th Army Corps and the 28th Army Corps.

The First Part: Shaping the Revolutionary Base Area of E-Yu-Wan

General introduction: Led by the CPC, people living in the border areas of E (Hubei), Yu (Henan), Wan (Anhui) armed themselves and stood up against the ruthless suppression of imperialism, bureaucracy and feudalism. The uprising in Huangma marked the establishment of the first revolutionary base in the area, Chaishan Mountain. On the northern side of the Changjiang River, Jinggangshan Mountain Revolutionary Base was established. Many revolutionary bases had come out one after another and thus the Revolutionary Base Area of E-Yu-Wan had taken shape.

The Second Part: Establishing capital in Xinji

General introduction: In February, 1931, the Red Army took Xinji, which was located in the center of the region. It was renamed Xinji City. The government departments were gradually moved here and the city had become the capital of the revolutionary base as well as the political, economic and military center. Under the leadership of the CPC, local people had established the government, developed the economy, spread the new culture. In this part, the leading position of Xinji as the capital was surely stressed and the exhibition wall, covered with red cloth, is a symbol of thriving revolutionary cause. What’s worth mentioning is the first grade relic, a wall on which was written the Chinese Soviet Land Law (draft).

The Third Part: Restructuring the Red Army and Continuing Fight in Dabieshan Region

After the moving west of the Fourth Front Army, the KMT armies had ruthlessly suppressed the local people and ravaged the revolutionary base. Led by the CPC and guided by glorious revolutionary traditions, dauntless people devoted themselves to new battles. Three-year-long guerrilla war had been fought to recover this red land. It was the people who provided selfless support and cooperation with the restructured 25th and 28th Army Corps that this revolutionary base area stayed intact.

The Fourth Part: Upholding the red flag to the victory of national revolution

Since the outbreak of Anti-Japanese War, to protect this red revolutionary land, the people in Dabieshan region had fought fearlessly against the Japanese, puppet and KMT armies. After the victory of anti-Japanese War, KMT launched a full-scale civil war. The local people showed their full support for and cooperation with the PLA to fight against the KMT troops. A series of victories finally overthrew the reactionary rule of the KMT. In the 3rd Hall, there is a reproduction of a camping scene of the soldiers with the 28th Army Corps, which vividly shows the hardships in the 3-year-long guerrilla war. All the exhibition walls are covered with red cloth, under which green mountains are painted. That is a symbol of the revolutionary flag flying high in the mountainous region.

 The Cradle of Generals

 Dabieshan Mountain is the key area of the Revolutionary Base Area of E-Yu-Wan, the second largest in the country, coming only next to the Central Base Area. The first red flag was upheld here, marking the beginning of armed fights. Led by the CPC, local people have gone through ups and downs. On this red revolutionary land tens of thousands of soldiers were brought up here, based on which three Red Army forces were formed, such as the 4th Front Army, the 25th Army Corps, the 28th Army Corps and the 5th Division of the New Fourth Army. In addition, 349 revolutionary generals had risen and become known to the world, among which are Dong Biwu, Li Xiannian, Xu Xiangqian, Liu Bocheng, Deng Xiaoping, Liu Huaqing, Xu Shiyou, Li Desheng, Ding Shusheng, Hong Xuezhi and so on. For their outstanding achievements and undaunted revolutionary spirits, the people here take pride in them.

In this new historical period of building a society with Chinese characteristics, the museum has held a series of exhibitions to spread the heroic deeds of famous generals to younger generations.

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