Three Parallel Rivers Of Yunnan Protected Areas
of eight geographical clusters of protected areas within the
boundaries of the Three Parallel Rivers National Park, in the mountainous
Northwest of Yunnan Province, the 1.7 million hectare site includes sections
of the upper reaches of three of the great rivers of Asia: the Yangtze (Jinsha),
Mekong and Salween run roughly parallel, north to south, through steep gorges
which, in some places, are 3,000 meters deep and are bordered by glaciated
peaks more than 6,000 meters high. The site is an epicentre of Chinese
biodiversity. It is also one of the richest temperate regions of the world
in terms of bio-diversity.
boundaries of the Three Parallel Rivers National Park, in the mountainous
Northwest of Yunnan Province, the 1.7 million hectare site includes sections
of the upper reaches of three of the great rivers of Asia: the Yangtze (Jinsha),
Mekong and Salween run roughly parallel, north to south, through steep gorges
which, in some places, are 3,000 meters deep and are bordered by glaciated
peaks more than 6,000 meters high. The site is an epicentre of Chinese
biodiversity. It is also one of the richest temperate regions of the world
in terms of bio-diversity.
Justification for Inscription from UNESCO World Heritage Centre
(vii): Superlative natural phenomena or natural beauty and aesthetic
importance The deep, parallel gorges of the Jinsha, Lancang and Nujiang are
the outstanding natural feature of the site; while large sections of the three
rivers lie just outside the site boundaries, the river gorges are nevertheless
the dominant scenic element in the area. High mountains are everywhere,
with the glaciated peaks of the Meili, Baima and Haba Snow Mountains
providing a spectacular scenic skyline. The Mingyongqia Glacier is a notable
natural phemonenon, descending to 2700 meters above the sea level from
Mt. Kawagebo (6740 meters), and is claimed to be the gla cier descending
to the lowest altitude for such a low latitude (28° N) in the northern
hemisphere. Other outstanding scenic landforms are the alpine karst
(especially the 'stone moon' in the Moon Mountain Scenic Area above
the Nujiang Gorge) and the 'tortoise shell' weathering of the alpine
importance The deep, parallel gorges of the Jinsha, Lancang and Nujiang are
the outstanding natural feature of the site; while large sections of the three
rivers lie just outside the site boundaries, the river gorges are nevertheless
the dominant scenic element in the area. High mountains are everywhere,
with the glaciated peaks of the Meili, Baima and Haba Snow Mountains
providing a spectacular scenic skyline. The Mingyongqia Glacier is a notable
natural phemonenon, descending to 2700 meters above the sea level from
Mt. Kawagebo (6740 meters), and is claimed to be the gla cier descending
to the lowest altitude for such a low latitude (28° N) in the northern
hemisphere. Other outstanding scenic landforms are the alpine karst
(especially the 'stone moon' in the Moon Mountain Scenic Area above
the Nujiang Gorge) and the 'tortoise shell' weathering of the alpine
(viii): The property is of outstanding value for displaying the
geological history of the last 50 million years associated with the collision
of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate, the closure of the ancient Tethys
Sea, and the uplifting of the Himalaya Range and the Tibetan Plateau. These
were major geological events in the evolution of the land surface of Asia and
they are on-going. The diverse rock types within the site record this history
and, in addition, the range of karst, granite monolith, and Danxia sandstone
landforms in the alpine zone include some of the best of their type in the
mountains of the world.
geological history of the last 50 million years associated with the collision
of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate, the closure of the ancient Tethys
Sea, and the uplifting of the Himalaya Range and the Tibetan Plateau. These
were major geological events in the evolution of the land surface of Asia and
they are on-going. The diverse rock types within the site record this history
and, in addition, the range of karst, granite monolith, and Danxia sandstone
landforms in the alpine zone include some of the best of their type in the
mountains of the world.
(ix): The dramatic expression of ecological processes in the Three
Parallel Rivers site has resulted from a mix of geological, climatic and
topographical effects. First, the location of the area within an active
orographic belt has resulted in a wide range of rock substrates from igneous
(four types) through to various sedimentary types including limestones,
sandstones and conglomerates. An exceptional range of topographical
features-from gorges to karst to glaciated peaks-is associated with the
site being at a “collision point” of tectonic plates. Add the fact that the
area was a Pleistocene refugium and is located at a biogeographical
convergence zone (i.e. with temperate and tropical elements) and the
physical foundations for evolution of its high biodiversity are all present.
Along with the landscape diversity with a steep gradient of almost 6000
meters vertical, a monsoon climate affects most of the area and provides
another favourable ecological stimulus that has allowed the full range of
temperate Palearctic biomes to develop.
Parallel Rivers site has resulted from a mix of geological, climatic and
topographical effects. First, the location of the area within an active
orographic belt has resulted in a wide range of rock substrates from igneous
(four types) through to various sedimentary types including limestones,
sandstones and conglomerates. An exceptional range of topographical
features-from gorges to karst to glaciated peaks-is associated with the
site being at a “collision point” of tectonic plates. Add the fact that the
area was a Pleistocene refugium and is located at a biogeographical
convergence zone (i.e. with temperate and tropical elements) and the
physical foundations for evolution of its high biodiversity are all present.
Along with the landscape diversity with a steep gradient of almost 6000
meters vertical, a monsoon climate affects most of the area and provides
another favourable ecological stimulus that has allowed the full range of
temperate Palearctic biomes to develop.
(x): Biodiversity and threatened species Northwest Yunnan is the
area of richest biodiversity in China and may be the most biologically
diverse temperate region on earth. The site encompasses most of the
natural habitats in the Hengduan Mountains, one of the world's most
important remaining areas for the conservation of the earth's biodiversity.
The outstanding topographic and climatic diversity of the site, coupled
with its location at the juncture of the East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Tibetan
Plateau biogeographical realms and its function as a N-S corridor for the
movement of plants and animals (especially during the ice ages), marks it
as a truly unique landscape, which still retains a high degree of natural
character despite thousands of years of human habitation. As the last
remaining stronghold for an extensive suite of rare and endangered
plants and animals, the site is outstanding.
area of richest biodiversity in China and may be the most biologically
diverse temperate region on earth. The site encompasses most of the
natural habitats in the Hengduan Mountains, one of the world's most
important remaining areas for the conservation of the earth's biodiversity.
The outstanding topographic and climatic diversity of the site, coupled
with its location at the juncture of the East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Tibetan
Plateau biogeographical realms and its function as a N-S corridor for the
movement of plants and animals (especially during the ice ages), marks it
as a truly unique landscape, which still retains a high degree of natural
character despite thousands of years of human habitation. As the last
remaining stronghold for an extensive suite of rare and endangered
plants and animals, the site is outstanding.
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