Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Xixia Dinosaur Remains Park

The Xixia Dinosaur Remains Park
Name:The Xixia Dinosaur Remains Park
Tel:Sanlimiao, Danshui Township, Xixia County Tel:0086-400-666-0166 Email:henantour@gmail.com Skype:karenzheng2004

Located in Sanlimiao, Danshui Township, 25km from Xixia County seat and 2.7km from No.312 National Highway and Ningxi Railway, the park is the central area of Mt. Funiu Geo-park in Xixia County and the Nanyang National Natural Reserve area of Dinosaur Egg Fossils. As a large park of dinosaur remains, it integrates the functions of popularization of science, sightseeing, amusement and research. The main sights include the Geological Science Square, the Museum of Dinosaur Egg Fossils, the Remains of Dinosaur Eggs and the Simulated Dinosaur Garden. It took 3 years to complete the project with an investment of more than RMB 60 million made by the county government and Longcheng Group.

The dinosaur remains come as the deposit of fault-depression basins in Cretaceous Period. Xixia Basin is the sedimentary deposit resulting from three major structural elements, i.e. the Qinling Fold Belt, the North China Platform and the Yangtze Platform. At the end of Mesozoic Era, the Qinling Tectonic Belt had bred a series of paralleled depressions. According to experts, these basins came as the deposit in Cretaceous Period and therefore its name was derived, the Cretaceous Fault Basin. The egg horizon lies in Xiping, the highest place in Danshui Basin where there are over 1,000 eggs exposed and at least 16 egg-bearing horizons have been found underneath. It is confirmed that the egg fossils can be divided into 6 families, 9 genus and 13 species. The Macroelongatoolithus, found in Xixia, are currently the only type worldwide. Gaogouzu, where Prismatoollthus gebiensis were found, is the 3rd place in the world where there are such fossils. The dinosaur egg-fossils unearthed in Xixia top the world in terms of number, category, distribution and preservation. The discovery of huge amounts of dinosaur skeletons has earned the place a new name, “the Ninth Wonder of the world”.

Over 60 million years passed, and the Xixia Park of Dinosaur Remains has provided an ideal scientific research base to study the changes of earth and heavenly bodies, natural disasters and the habit, habitat and the extinction of dinosaurs. As a brand new park for science and tourism, it will guide you through the evolutionary process of 0.54 billion years.

Address: Sanlimiao, Danshui Township, Xixia County

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