Tuesday, September 25, 2012


  Taosibao, literally the Four Treasures Stuffing, is a famous high-grade dish with a long history. It was popular among the celebrities and the well-offs before the founding of new China and was usually made by the cooks of the officials. After the PRC was founded in 1949, Chen Jinghe, the offspring of Chen Yongxiang, the famous cook of the late Qing Dynasty, together with his two brothers carried on their father’s business by cooking the Four Treasures Stuffing with the best care until it won greatest reputation. The dish is famous for integrating chicken, duck, dove and quail that represent strong, fragrant, fresh and wild flavor respectively. The four birds are combined with the bigger containing the small ones, which are as a whole without any bone. Being placed in a fine pottery soup bowl with blue patterns, the dinners can only see a whole duck floating in the soup. After eating up the delicious duck, they will find a fragrant whole chicken. Eating up the chicken, they will again find a delicious whole dove in front of them. Finally, they will find a quail which is also as a whole and stuffed with sea cucumber puddings, shredded fragrant mushroom, and water soaked bamboo slice. The dish contains several tastes, is neither fatty nor greasy and is tasty and refreshing. The customers praise that the course is strong, delicious, and nutritious so that the aftertaste is continuous.

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